Ladies' Bible Study, MOMENTUM
Start Date/Time:
Monday, October 22, 2018 6:30 PM (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
Normal Priority
Hey Girls:

I have a great Bible study for us this fall... "MOMENTUM" by Colin Smith, author and pastor. Most Christians long to forgive, to have a pure heart, to find peace in our lives, but we don't know how to get there. We get stuck. This is an exciting Biblical study on the 8 Beatitudes of Jesus. We will see how each one builds on the one before it, providing a roadmap from our Lord for making progress in our spiritual life and positioning us to receive the blessings HE promised.

Beginning Monday, September 17th through November 5th (8 weeks), there will be two classes each Monday in my home. Mornings at 10:00 am and Evenings at 6:30 pm.

I will pick up Bible study books at LifeWay, so let me know ASAP if you can attend. (931-486-2842 or ninnysnine@hotmail)

So Blessed,
Linda Bland

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